Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Max Headroom

maximum space for head

When the bounding box is added to the extended slide, and shortened to fit around the motors when closed, the image above shows the results. There is space for torso bracing. I'll address that after feedback on this current design comes in. My biggest concern about this design is it's weight. I coudn't say at this point if it's going to be closer to 50lbs or 100lbs. If we change to aluminum, we'll be alot happier with the weight, but welding aluminum is a very different animal, and I don't have a volunteer. The slide is steel and very heavy. I'm not aware of any aluminum slides. Perhaps we should follow Dale and Eric's leads and start using more wood and plastic. It wouldn't be a disaster if we wound up with a heavy bot. We can always make another one. We should avoid this error however if we can. Please comment and I'll adjust the design according to your feedback.

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